22/11/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Resources
SDC Paper now available: Mainstreaming Governance in M4P Projects
The discussion on mainstreaming governance in Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) projects was the third e-discussion of SDC’s e+I Network in 2012. It followed a discussion on Women Economic Empowerment that was organised in cooperation with the M4P Hub and a discussion onM4P and Rural Advisory Services (RAS) in cooperation with SDC’s RAS Network.
16/11/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Resources
New Participatory Guide: LINKing Smallholders: A guide on inclusive business models
CIAT’s research area Linking Farmers to Markets, is pleased to announce the release of a new participatory guide to inclusive business models, a project that has been developed in a in close collaboration with the Sustainable Food Lab, IIED, CRS and Rainforest Alliance and with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
13/11/12 Author: M4P Hub Topics: M4P Resources
Your Chance to Contribute towards updating the M4P Operational Guide
The M4P Hub has released a new survey to gather the views and experiences of Market Systems Development Practitioners. This process will allow for these experiences to be incorporated into the revised M4P Operational Guide, strengthening the Guide for the next generation of M4P programming.
12/11/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Job Opportunities
'Markets for Poor' Programme Manager Vacancy in Azerbaijan
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent privatisation of collective farms has meant that, for the past 20 years, many farmers in Azerbaijan have struggled to make a living. Oxfam is working to address that. Take the lead on our agricultural livelihoods programme and so will you.
12/11/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Resources
Developing Market Systems: Seizing the Opportunity for the Poor - M4P Hub Conference Proceedings now available
Marking the anniversary of the M4P Hub conference, the proceedings of Developing Market Systems: Seizing the Opportunity for the Poor are now available.
18/10/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Job Opportunities
Team Leader vacancy for CrossRoads project in Uganda
DFID Uganda (DFIDU), with joint financing support from the European Commission is implementing the Creating Opportunities for Sustainable Spending on Roads (CrossRoads) programme. CrossRoads is managed by a small Secretariat which also supports a new Roads Industry Council (RIC).
In support of DFIDU and the RIC, the Secretariat is working with private and public stakeholders to create capacity in the road construction industry, using a ‘markets for the poor’ (M4P) approach.
14/09/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Events
New SDC E+I e-discussion on Governance and M4P
SDC invites you to participate in the upcoming e-discussion on mainstreaming governance in M4P projects, taking place from 17 September to 5 October 2012. This will be the last of three e-discussions held in 2012. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the e-discussion with your experience and learn from other members of the PSD mailing list.
12/09/12 Author: M4P Hub Team Topics: M4P Resources
Evaluating the impact of M4P programmes: synthesis paper
In March 2012, the M4P Hub facilitated a two-day workshop on evaluating the impact of M4P programmes, bringing together staff and representatives from DFID, Sida, SDC, and USAID, evaluation experts, M4P practitioners and advisors.